We give convenient, virtual turf cleaning quotes all via text. We will measure and quote your turf, and/or send you a screenshot of our measurements if we need to adjust at all. Then we can pick a time to come clean your turf. Once a time is picked, we will send you reminders up until your appoitnment date.
First, it's best to remove any superficial debris with a blower. That way you're not pushing any unnecessary twigs or leaves into your turf when you're walking around with the turf broom. This also allows us to do a visual inspection to see if you have any loose seams, fiber degradation, or if you need infill.
We use an electric turf broom to dethatch your turf. You will most likely be shocked at the amount of dog hair that comes out of your turf. Dog hair buildup in your turf acts like a giant sponge, inhibiting drainage and holding onto bacteria.
Now we have to remove all the debris we kicked up with the turf broom. This allows our solution to get deep into your infill, all the way to the soil underneath. This is where most pet odor is going to originate with most synthetic turf.
You can't use heat, suction, or pressure without causing damage to your turf, so we made a system that is high volume at a low pressure, which allows us to flush your infill as well as cleanyour turf.
We offer synthetic turf care maintenance plans at a discounted rate after your first visit. Most 2 dog households prefer bi-monthly maintenance. For homes with 4 dogs or more we recommend monthly visits. Custom plans available for those who don't have pets or for people who have 6 or more dogs.
Scott is amazing! This treatment for the turf has been a game changer for our backyard! Thank you so much! I’m so glad I saw your ad on Facebook! Having a monthly standing appt is the best decision! Worth every penny! We no longer have any pet odor! So so happy!
— Noelle